Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brenda - Kira Kira Jazzy Journal

      Brenda was a very sweet girl, she always had a smile on her face that enlightened everyone that saw her. Brenda Swanson lived in a wealthy family. Her family owned lots of land and her parents worked very hard to obtain everything they. The family earned every penny they had and no one could talk smack about them like they did about Mr. Lyndon. Brenda's parents were often out imagining their business and taking care of their land and other things that they owned. She did not have any siblings that could keep her company and also she was not allowed to talk to any of the maids or workers around her home. She was a very lonely girl. She has been very lonely and full of energy, Just like Lynn. Brenda was an adventurer, she constantly had to be up to something and could never stop moving around. The nearby swamp was her very favorite place to be around. At the swamp there were a lot of exciting things that she could do but she did not go to the swamp to play and run around, she went there to relax and think. She would sit by the water on a mossy log and stare at the jumping fish out in the distant water. The thoughts that she would like to think about were not just simple thoughts, they were way more complex then what most 10 year olds had. She would imagine what it would be like to be a bird, spring threw the sky and glide with the wind. She also imagined being a monkey that could swing between the tree branches. The thought that most came to her mind most often was the one about being a mermaid. She always wanted to be a mermaid and wondered how she could become one. "Maybe if I go underwater and don't come up, I will grow the ability to great underwater and a tail to swim." She was so determined that doing so was possible. Brenda finally decided that she was going to try to do it. She wore her very best dress she had because she imagined that the dress would give her a beautiful tail. After a long day of staring in the water she decided to go into the water and attempt her stunt. She walked into the water slowly but confidently. As soon she went underwater completely, she started to feel nervous but knew that she had to stay in the water. To this day no one has every seen the little girl but people have been noticing abnormally large fish in the water ever sense. 

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